Sunday, April 9, 2023

Small Mens Shoe Sizes

On the other end of the spectrum from big kid sizes, what's the smallest "men's" size?

Different brands and stores have widely varying views on this.

When I was growing up in the 90s, it felt like there was a very distinct line of up to 6 is boys, 7 and up is men's, with 6.5 impossible to find.

Then, in some stores I started to see men's sizes only go down to 8. Now, a few don't carry anything smaller than 9 for men's. There are still stores that carry and stock the traditional breakdown of size.

Of course, now we have online stores and manufacturers.

Some still list the traditional breakdown. Others go with the higher values seen in some stores. Still others list smaller men's size than I've ever seen in person. What is your experience? 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Big Kids Shoes - 2023

So, when I started this blog, I was amazed to see a size 7Y, because this has always been a men's size when I was growing up.

How have things changed!

There is almost universal agreement that 7 is clearly a boys size.

But there are now even larger youth sizes

There are 8Y


And even 10.5Y!

Clearly, even double digits aren't safe from being considered boys size.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Having to admit your size

How do you feel when you're put in situations where you have to announce your shoe size?

For example, asking the shoe store attendant for your size, getting bowling shoes, getting measured for a tuxedo rental?

I'm sure there are other instances. What is your experience?