Tuesday, September 22, 2020

How big is big?

Popular consensus is that size 8 and maybe size 9 are small for guys. But what about what's considered big?

For me, "big" is size 12 or bigger. Others may say size 14 is the threshold. What do you think?


  1. I would say size 11 and above, but I'm rather short (5'7 and size 7.5/8).

  2. Interesting blog you have... The issue of foot/shoe sizes is sort of an interesting one. My feet are size 9.5-10 (as measured by the shoe store device) and I am 5'11" but I usually have to wear size 10.5-11.5 and even sometimes 12 sneakers to be comfortable. I have been told in the past that the shoe store measuring devices are really more for dress shoes and when wearing sneakers one should add at least one whole size. And of course sneakers can vary a lot in size vs fit. I have also found that a lot of people wear their sneakers bigger than I do (and I usually just wear them with decent room for me to be comfortable). On the other hand I also know people who like to wear their shoes smaller than me, with their toe right at the end. An extreme example, I have a skater friend who I found out's feet are the same size as mine, maybe tiniest bit bigger, (and we are almost the same height) but he likes to wear a 7.5-8 shoe (he says small shoes are better for skateboarding). He says they can be uncomfortable for the first few weeks but that once he stretches/breaks them in they are perfect. I was skeptical but he let me try on his 'broken in' es shoes in a size 7.5 and I was amazed (and also kind of freaked) that they actually fit me pretty well (snugger than I would normally wear, but I could totally wear them without being in pain). His shoes look small so he gets comments about having small feet but when someone comments and maybe wants to compare he almost always has bigger feet than people wearing much bigger shoes. He said his foot was actually bigger than one guy who was wearing a 13, which totally freaked that guy out. He seems to enjoy when people ask to compare and he ends up coming out on top (perhaps the real reason he likes wearing small shoes?). So it seems like it is hard to tell what size feet someone really has, you can't just tell by shoe size, some people like to wear their shoes big and others snug and I don't think people always really know what their true size is. I think shoes with more padding and the trend of wearing shoes looser have probably also contributed to increasing apparent foot sizes.

    1. Awesome, sounds like I have some similar tastes (for small shoes) to the guy you describe though I generally don't seek out size comparison like that. I mean I can see how it is cool to wear small shoes and surprise people by actually having bigger feet, but that is not really what I want to. I want people to actually think my feet are a size 7-7.5 rather than surprising people that they are actually bigger.

    2. It is possible the guy I wrote about was committed to wearing small sizes like you but I sort of doubt it. He would sometimes wear bigger shoes too and he was convincing in his argument that it was for board feel. Though he did love showing up people with bigger shoes so he may have had something going on there, who knows ;-)

  3. Is 10 big or is it just low end average? Don't you have to go to like 11 or 12 to get to "big"? Actually maybe you have to get to 13+ to be called big? I feel like "average" is 10-12 for guys, and 10 is on the lower end. Definitely below 10 starts below average so 10 couldn't be big could it? I consider my size 7.5-8 shoes "very" small. And maybe below 7 is tiny? :-)

  4. Bored and I was looking at size distributions on ebay...I looked up Men's Jordans, under athletic shoes, and here was the result:

    3 (1,430) Items (1,430)
    3.5 (1,579) Items (1,579) - Drop off after size 4.
    4 (5,770) Items (5,770)
    4.5 (4,090) Items (4,090)
    5 (7,996) Items (7,996)
    5.5 (6,802) Items (6,802)
    6 (9,789) Items (9,789)
    6.5 (10,306) Items (10,306)
    7 (18,041) Items (18,041) - Technically 7 and below might be more likely to appear under kids rather than mens so the data may be less accurate 7 and below since I am not including kids. On the other hand, maybe that's fine since I am trying to find popularity among men rather than kids.
    7.5 (8,947) Items (8,947) - Why is 7.5 unpopular, less so than size 6 even?
    8 (26,217) Items (26,217)
    8.5 (26,604) Items (26,604)
    9 (32,929) Items (32,929)
    9.5 (33,705) Items (33,705)
    10 (41,469) Items (41,469) - Most popular!
    10.5 (38,832) Items (38,832) - 2nd
    11 (38,385) Items (38,385) - 3rd
    11.5 (20,875) Items (20,875) - Size 12 is magic so no one wants to be an 11.5, lol.
    12 (36,055) Items (36,055) - 4th - more common than any size below 10. 12 seems manly so everyone wants a 12, lol!
    12.5 (4,328) Items (4,328)
    13 (25,082) Items (25,082) - Curiously less common than an 8 or 8.5.
    13.5 (519) Items (519) - Half sizes are rarely made 13.5 and beyond.
    14 (8,881) Items (8,881)
    14.5 (115) Items (115)
    15 (3,387) Items (3,387)
    15.5 (50) Items (50)
    16 (1,333) Items (1,333) - Really starts to drop off here...I could have an easier time finding a size 3!
    16.5 (23) Items (23)
    17 (760) Items (760) - Really getting rare
    17.5 (7) Items (7)
    18 (836) Items (836)

    So this show that 10 does indeed appear to be the most common size, but with 10.5 and 11 more common than 9 and 9.5. Things really start to drop off after size 8 (which makes my size 7-7.5s in the rare category) and 7.5 is curiously less popular than 7 or 8. Then as sizes get larger we see that 11.5 is curiously less popular than 11 and 12...my theory there is that 12 is sort of a magic size that makes people feel like they are getting into "big" sizes and so is someone is an 11.5 they are probably more likely to want to size up so they can say they are a 12. Beyond 12 half sizes are less common and we also see a steep drop off after size 13, with size 14 actually less common than a size 6. And sizes above 16 being less common than a size 3 even (mind you this search was for "men's" jordans, not kids). Unscientific, but I would think what people sell on e-mail would be pretty telling.

    1. I should also add that I am a bit surprised to see the steep drop off after 13 too, I would have expected 14 to be more common...but here a size 6 is more common.

    2. Also hard to believe I am more likely to see a 7-7.5 than a 14 or above....

    3. I guess my theory on 7.5 is that maybe people see 8 as the minimum acceptable small? So 8 is sort of a magic number for small...not to go below. So if you are a 7.5 you want to go to size 8 to at least be minimum man's size? So then 7 would be more common than 7.5 because they would be the people who just can't go to 8, it's too big, or they are a kid and 7 is normal for their size...

  5. So I guess me wearing 10.5-11 makes me above average? Sweet! ;-)
    I am a little surprised by those numbers too, I would have expected more on the 13+. Maybe that makes me feel slightly better?...

    I also agree about the magical sizes, especially 12. Everyone wants to be at least a 12. I tried to wear a 12 too when I was in high school but they were just way too big and only resulted in embarrassment :-( But growing up a lot of kids wore 12s and usually they fit them without them being huge like they are for me...though there were a few exceptions. There were definitely a few who tried to wear way bigger sizes than they really were. And as far as 8 I would have to agree that it is rare to see a grown man or a teen with shoes less than size 8. Though in school I really felt less than 10 was getting rare. A 9-9.5, like my true size, was generally reserved for the short kids.

    I remember in school there was a kid who was not that short who wore size 7.5 and kids used to give him a hard time. Shortly after he was claiming his feet had grown and he was a 10 now, but I suspect it was just peer pressure, you could tell the 10s were too big for him.

  6. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pmRT0n_zOkk :-)

  7. I know it's a prank, but it is so obvious the dude is wearing much bigger than a size 6. But you could tell the sales guy was pretty proud of his 12s at that moment, lol.

  8. I mean, it doesn't look like he has huge feet. From what I can find, the dude is 5'7. His shoes look like a size 8-9.

  9. I agree he doesn't have huge feet, but I would bet he is at least a sz 9-10, even at 5'7". His feet don't look "small", and an 8 usually looks small.

  10. Somehow I bet his feet are a size 10 and bigger than mine even though he is 4 inches shorter. I just feel like that's how it always goes... And wouldn't he have to at least be a size 10 to do the size 6 prank with a straight face? You don't do a size 6 prank when you yourself are marginal and wear a size 9...and definitely not an 8.

  11. For me 10 was always Big, but more and more that has been moving to 12.
    14... BIIG.

    1. Size 12 is super average now for anyone 5'10" or over I would say. So much so that I now see people over 6 feet tall with 12 as being small. There was a new guy at work who was 6'2" probably, wearing black AF1s. I thought his sneakers looked small for him, only to find he was a size 12!

    2. I should add that I worked closely with this guy for a bit and bumped the coffee on the table one time and some spilled on his shoe. I reached down to wipe it off and was able to feel where his toes were, they were right at the end, so the 12s he was wearing were almost too small really.

      Though I have learned that wearing shoes almost too small is very popular for some young people now. I don't fully understand it but it seems like there is this believe that smaller shoes look better (I have actually heard people say this). This means that a portion of young people now are actually wearing shoes too small, which further skews the actual sizes of guy's feet now. I think people with bigger feet are probably more likely to do this than those with smaller feet.

    3. And I knew someone with size 14 feet who always wore a size 12, partly because 14s were harder to find but also because he felt that 12s looked better. I think once you get to sz 12, going higher doesn't really matter much. Size 12 is already sort of the pinnacle.

    4. True! 12 is everywhere. I had 2 guys pop in to go to the beach together, both around my height, both 12s. Are surprised that i find that so big, actually find that funny, as though they hadn't heard that yet. While for me their slides are stunning.

    5. I also know a 14! Two 13s, many 12s and 11s.

    6. And a young upstairs neighbour who is a 15, but i don't actually know him, just someone who passes by - and has his work boots quite visible in a shared garage. Not to be missed really, on the floor, zero interest in hiding 😁

    7. I am assuming his work boots are a "large" size?

    8. Yes, a 15. It's how i know his size. His work boots were in the shared garage, in his corner, but it's not that i'm nosey, they were so obvious, on the floor, I hardly had to deviate when walking to the door to step besides them.

    9. Ah ok, I read your first comment as him being 15 years old rather than size 15! Is he really tall to be size 15?

    10. Taller than me, but not otherworldly so, maybe 6'2" ish.

    11. Retelling the story about the guy at work with the Air Force 1s got me to look into this more... Turns out AF1s fit big, generally a whole size too big. Saw a pair in a sz 9 in a thrift store yesterday and tried them on. They were very very big, more like a size 10 at least. So this guy with the 12s at work, who was totally filling the shoes, was almost certainly actually a size 13 of better.

    12. We can find 9-12 big, but that's only us. In the general world that's just the normal range, and only 13 starts to burst out of that.
      Guys will be guys, and always go for what's bigger, better, stronger, faster, higher (more competitive, richer, more succesful, you name it). Surely we have our own competitiveness, be it more clever, more agile, better in this or that talent, but shoe size is not one of them 😁. I totally agree with your use of "better".

    13. I wouldn't call 9-12 "big", maybe 10-12...and 13 an above really big.

      And as I mentioned before, there is also the trend of younger people "sizing down". They will be wearing a 9.5 the way a 7.5 fits me. The guys wearing 9.5 essentially being 11s. I see it all the time with the used sneakers at the thrift stores and I have heard guys talking about it. I would say that 80-90% of the sneakers at thrift stores looks like the person's toes were all the way to the end. People are always sizing down, which seems to be both to stop creasing and there is an idea now that smaller shoes look better. Of course this would seem counter to our discussions here, but it seems to be very common.

    14. Well, people tend to only do away with shoes once they've become really too small.
      Just saying, for i haven't picked up on any such trend 🤔.

      OR Big is now so prevalent, that small becomes fashionable again? 😁

      I once quite hesitantly asked a sales rep if since they stocked 13s, if that meant they were asked for more than 5s or 6s. A bit fearful too that that might be the case.
      Stupid, still unknowledgeable me 😁 for he went "oh YEAH", with a bit of a shock or surprise that such question was even asked. After which i got a quick summary of Mens sizes, - as though i for sure knew nothing about that field and still had to get a first speed initiation update 😁😳.

    15. I forgot to mention: enthusiam. Either for the topic of big sizes, or just for the possibility to teach someone smth new 😁.

      OF COURSE i thought that those averages were only for THAT store, a small specialty store, for skaters and surfers, - it was not the REAL or general world. And so it took a loooong time before i realised or accepted how small my size was 😁😳. One always finds excuses.

    16. Well, I would expect more "men" would buy size 13 than 5 or 6. I am sure they stock 5s and 6s for kids.

      There is something of a smaller shoe trend. I have watched a number of youtube videos where people discuss sizing down. I recently saw a shoe review where the guy said he was a 9 but that he usually bought 8.5 because he "liked a snug fit" and also commented that the shoes don't crease as much when they are tighter. So it is a thing. Now I still hardly ever see discussion of sizes below 8, but it seems like some guys are ok with saying they are an 8.5 (definitely more 8.5s than 8s out there...). I have never seen a review where they said their feet were below an 8.

      There is also a popular youtube channel called "weartesters", where the guy who appears to be pretty tall, has admitted to wearing a size 9. It seemed that for a long time he avoided mentioning his size and then finally did as he was tired of hiding it. He was clearly a big uncomfortable about having a 9. He looks like he is probably over 6 feet tall.

    17. So what is SMALL?
      Or, since the average seems to be 10.5, - everything under that?

    18. I would say small is below 10, embarrassingly small is below 8. Most people are still willing to talk about their size unless it is below an 8 it seems.

    19. There was a guy at work who was an 8.5 who seemed compelled to tell everyone about his size. He would always start with "I have small feet...". Seemed like he wanted to get out ahead of it by telling people in advance before they had formed a judgement. He wanted to convey that he was cool with it and that was just they way he was. But clearly it was on his mind...

  12. I have a lot of experience with Big sizes.
    The reason why no blog about big sizes works, or results in even the slightest sign of interest, - is that big and especially the biggest sizes, only ever get enthused about peers or bigger. THEIR opinions, experiences, etc.

    Having a few very tall friends, I can concur that THIS happens: tall admires/gets enthused by othee tall or taller or much taller ones:


    The same happens with shoe sizes.

    The complete interest sits in MAXXING (heightmaxxing, sizemaxxing, musclemaxxing, fitnessmaxxing, looksmaxxing, comfortmaxxing, succesmaxxing, speedmaxxing. Moneymaxxing, confidencemaxxing, you name it). I take it that this is also why sites about small are not visited much.

    What do you think?

    In what can WE maxx?

  13. I remember that i found 10 sooo big. Man, has THAT changed. Weird how at one and the same time 10 can be way too big for me - AND that seeing it in others is merely "ok", "not too bad".

    As though you both develop an own eye, and a general one.

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